Green Coffee Bean Extract by Vitawise

Green-coffee-bean_01Nowadays a lot of people know the benefits of using green coffee bean extract for weight loss and overall health. We all know that being overweight is the number one cause of most mortal diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and liver damage. Even with all the big commercials and media exposure that the supplement is now getting, the big question is does it really work? Does it really help people lose weight and keep it off? Before we can answer that we need to know what makes up a single green coffee bean.

The main question that everybody asks is what is the difference between Green Coffee Bean and your regular roasted coffee bean? Well even if the regular coffee bean provides lots of benefits and is very beneficial to the body a lot of what vital to our health is lost in the roasting process. Plus when roasting coffee it increases the caffeine level of the beans and we all know that too much caffeine is particularly bad to our nervous and digestive systems.

A couple of the bad side effects of caffeine is that it can be very addicting because of the highs and boosts you get after drinking it. However, too much caffeine can also lead to lack of sleep, intestinal problems, nervous system problems and other unknown side effects.

But with green coffee beans you don’t get that much caffeine because it is not totally roasted and the processed used to extract the healthy by products of the bean is very exact. That way the amount of caffeine is limited to the exact amount healthy enough for man to consume.

Now let’s go to the good part, how does Green Coffee Bean Extract really works?

One of the main components that make Green Coffee Bean so great is Chlorogenic Acid, like I said a lot of the important and healthy compounds of coffee is lost during the roasting process and Chlorogenic acid is one of them. Fortunately scientists have found a way of getting this compound without having to heat the beans.

Now the way that the acid works in helping weight loss is that it activates the production of an enzyme called Lypolitic. The Lypolitic enzyme is the one responsible for taking in and breaking down fat in the body so that it can be used as energy. The enzyme also fights off the body’s system to store the energy as fat if it is left unused. This is the main component of Green Coffee Bean and what makes it so effective for aiding weight loss.

Green Coffee Bean Extract Weight Loss Supplements

There are lot of people out there selling Green Coffee Bean extract supplements and it can get quite confusing who to trust. If you are going to buy one please get it from a reputable seller that will not only insure that you are getting the best product available in the market, but will also provide you with top notch customer service. One seller I always buy from is, they sell the best Green Tea Extract Supplement at the best prices.